Monday, October 17, 2016


This week was crazy! We had so many lessons with members and with our investigators it was great. The best thing that happened was on Tuesday...

We were dooring and we talked to a man that was extremely drunk and he was screaming at us that we had no idea what his life had been like and how God had never been there for him. He just about fell down the stairs he was so drunk... he was getting all up in our faces and showing us all of his tattoos from a war he had been in. I was terrified. It took everything in me not to run out of the building haha. After we finished our conversation with him I was DONE. All I wanted to do was go back to the house. Then Sister Stamp stopped at another door and I thought to myself, "You have got to be kidding me... I'm not doing that again." We ended up teaching a man for an hour in his doorway about the plan of salvation and eternal families. We scheduled a return appointment and we're meeting with him and his family on Wednesday this week! It was absolutely amazing... I couldn't believe how fast the situation turned around - from wanting to go hide in a corner -  to feeling so relaxed and filled with the Spirit.

Yesterday I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting and that was so nerve racking haha. But all the members came up to me afterwards and complimented my accent so Holla. I was so lost the whole day... that's just a constant thing here now though, I have no idea what's going on.  This language   is  HARD!  People could be totally insulting me and i would just sit there with a smile nodding... which leads me to the biggest thing I've (re)learned this week.

In the mtc one of my teachers said something to me that ill never forget. He said, "The Comforter can't comfort you if you aren't uncomfortable."  These past 2 weeks I have felt more uncomfortable than I have in my entire life. I don't even know how to explain the feelings I've had, but I do know one thing, and that is that I've never felt closer to my Heavenly Father than I have in these last 2 weeks. I have had to rely 100% on Him because I cant do all of this! But I know that through Him I can.

I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have about the Holy Ghost and the privilege I get to be uncomfortable, as weird as that sounds. I love this gospel with all my heart and even though I can't express it all in words to these people, Ihope that they can at least feel it.
I hope you all have a great week!

Our dinner apps last night with some members from the ward

 A view from the train😍

Our ghetto trip to the store today... we fill up a suitcase cuz we take trains to germany to buy our groceries cuz Switzerland is so expensive lol

Okay!  So I have a bit more time and I want to tell you guys about my investigators/experiences I've had real quick!~
Aileen is from the phillippines and she is so sweet, shes been meeting with the missionaries for years now and has issues with commitment. We talked to her about baptism and she said that once she knows a little more she will. We are going to get her on date in the next couple weeks!

Lea is our other investigator, She has met with the missionaries before as well. We met with her for the first time this week and already talked about baptism! It was insane. She said that she doesnt know if Joseph Smith is a true prophet but she has such a strong testimony about everything else so once she prays to know about Joseph Smith she said she'll be baptized. She has an 8 year old son so they would both be baptized and thats our transfer goal this transfer is to have them both on date to be baptized :)

Like I said in my other email- we are teaching Fritz now and his family that we'll meet with on Wednesday. Dooring here is called klingeling  (that's what we call it cuz klingel means ring in german) and it's the scariest thing ever everyone here is either Catholic or atheist mostly Catholic and they want nothing to do with us. Some are nice but there's been some that are soooo mean. We taught an Italian guy as well this week for like an hour in his doorway and when people listen they're pretty open about things which is cool! But I'm legit such a chicken I hate disturbing people! Haha but I'm working on it.  People here aren't super fond of Americans either, actually no one really is in Europe or at least those that ive met... so that's been an adjustment like people bashing on my country and stuff. I wish I knew more facts about history so I could back it up but I don't...

Fun Facts:

 So ICE isnt a thing here- and water here is sparkling water. You have to specifically ask for water from the tap or else they will give you sparkling water which if you remember correctly i think is poisionous acid!!!  So we were at Aileens house and I remembered dads story about only drinking half of the milk if you didnt want more when he was serving in Japan - so i did just that and I thought I was home free but when we go up to leave she freaked out at us and was like YOU NEED TO BE DRINKING WATER FINISH IT!!!!! so I had to CHUG this nasty acid and i had tears in my eyes hahaha it was so great.

Okay another thing is in Errand of Angels when they just keep coming out with more and more portions of foodthat is not an exaggeration. The food JUST KEEPS COMIN MAN!! The biggest thing I've had to learn is that I need to eat a lot slower cuz if they see that your plate is empty they offer you more and you cannot say no to the food in this country! It is either extremely rude or they just keep insisting until you say yes, so you might as well just say yes the first time and avoid the awkwardness. I HAD 5 SERVINGS OF THE MAIN MEAL THIS WEEK. When I tell you people i'm going to be chunky I'm not kiddin. They dont freaking mess around with food here. And everything is very fancy like a 5 star restaraunt with your  knife and fork and yeah just super high class.   So I'm going to have to learn how to eat properly.  (Think "My Fair Ladaaaaay!")

Then there are the buses and trains. Thats how we get everywhere and I kid you not - It's the craziest thing in the world and everything is in German which makes it even crazier... idk how im going to get it down... but what I love is that everything here is on time -  like to the second!  Itss amazing. Everything is extremely organized and clean - like you'll get fined big time if you put your feet up on the seats on a bus or train.

(I'm trying to think of anything else thats happened - theres been so much and it stresses me out cuz i want to involve you guys in everything but i think i just need to accept the fact that its not going to happen cuz it really does give me anxiety lol. I want you to be involved and know EVERY LITTLE DETAIL but theres just no way.)

OH the bells here. I think I'm going to miss those a lot when I get home. There are constant church bells every hour. and constant cow bell too. THERE ARE SO MANY FLIPPEN COWS IN THIS COUNTRY!! haha and everyone smokes here. Legit its weird if you pass someone and they arent smoking.

The guys here are super good lookin they have amazing style - and some of their eyebrows are better than mine just sayin. :P   ugh I wish you could just be with me experiencing all of this!!

k the Members here are legit what make all of this worth it!  Honestly they are amazing. We met with the Eggenburger family last night and they have 4 CRAZY kids that scream and fight and it totally reminded me of Home it was the greatest. They met in the mission field in Manchester and hes from Switzerland and shes from Ohio and their story is AMAZING ahhh. They are all just so amazing and nice to us-- I love it!!

Anyways I love you guys soooooooooo much you have no idea!! I hope everyone is doing good. I love all the pictures like Fuzzys wedding and stuff - tell him congrats! Know that I do see your emails and they mean everything to me they keep me GOING!
Love you love you love you!!😙😙😙❤❤❤❤❤❤

Reppin "home" -  Lake Chelan Washington

So many skirts - so little time!!!  hahaha

Sam says 'You know you're in Switzerland when you hear Cow Bells, Church Bells and smell cigarette smoke!"

Loving her Trainer Sister Stamp

They take a train or a bus EVERYHERE they go


Sister Samantha Barnett
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen

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