Monday, October 3, 2016


Oh my goodness these past 2 weeks have been literal mayhem... I don't even know how to start this email so much has happened! So first of all, for those of you who know my mother :) You have probably been told by now that I'm serving in Switzerland! In a city called St. Gallen :) it is beautiful here I'm still in awe, I did not think I would get the opportunity to serve in Switzerland! I'll go more into details later in the email...

So my last Sunday in the MTC was amazing. We had sacrament meeting IN GERMAN which was interesting, but I loved it. I was surprised with how much I understood and I loved that I could feel the spirit, even when I couldn't understand everything that was going on. The church is true people. Haha so I sang in sacrament meeting (yes really mom) with my 2 companions and an elder and we sang "come thou fount of every blessing" or komm du Quele jeder segens auf deutsch it was incredible and again, yes mom, I did record it :) after sacrament we went as a whole mtc and took tons of pictures. Super sad... the MTC has literally been my home away from home and the people there have been my second family, so it was SO hard to think of that being our last Sunday together.

Monday was insane. We packed and did some training and had our last class together as a district. We sang "God be with you till we meet again" auf deutsch and talk about tears... I was a mess. It was so hard to say goodbye to my teachers! That night we stayed up all night and packed some more and then we had to be up at 2 am and start getting ready.
Tuesday morning we had to leave the MTC by 3:30 am. The whole MTC got up with the Germans and wished us off. It was the sweetest thing ever! Then we were on a plane and off to Germany.... we arrived in Munich and president and sister Kohler greeted us at the airport. We got together for a quick snack and then they sent us with a book of Mormon on a train to try and give it out. WHAT. Haha I was so scared. Sadly I didn't give mine out but I did manage to talk to some cool people in extremely broken german lol. Later that day we had training for the rest of the day and I kid you not I have never been so tired in my entire life. I don't remember anything of that day I was in and out of consciousness lol😂 that night we all slept in a hostel and experienced a lot of drunk Germans at Oktober fest.... super interesting hahaha they were running into our door at 4 in the morning and screaming random german sentences that I count myself lucky I didn't understand!
So Wednesday we woke up ate breakfast and went to the train station, said goodbye and we were off to our Areas! It was a 4 hour train ride from Munich to Zürich and it was great. I got of the train and saw my new "mom"!!! She is incredible her name is Sister Stamp, she is from England and she is amazing. She calls me her child or her Golden (that's what they call greenies in this mission lol) so we took another train to st. Gallen and then unpacked and settled in a little bit to my new home!

Thursday was great we had an appointment with our investigator named Aileen. She is from the Philippines and oh my gosh she is such a sweetheart. She made us a whole carrot cake.... needless to say I'm gonna be looking at little chunky in my pictures from now on the members here feed the missionaries like crazy and yeah... we're very loved here in st. Gallen lol. Anyways we had another appointment that night (more food) and it was in German and I was so silent haha I don't think I've ever not talked more in my life... I understand a lot of the language, I just can't respond. It's super frustrating! 
Friday we went street contacting..... ummm.... yeah I am the biggest chicken. Sister stamp kept saying "next one is yours" and I said k and when they passed I would say "grützi" which is hello but "Swiss german" screws everything up so that's the greeting here... yeah idk... anyways and that was it! hahaha I have the hardest time stopping people because I don't know what to Say! I'll be better this week... maybe.....😂

Saturday night we watched Conference at a members house in German and it was soooo weird.. I understood a lot, but not hearing the apostles voices was bizarre! When we left it started POURING rain and we had a tiny umbrella and no coats so we got soaked haha it was really Funny!

Sunday was amazing because of Conference, it was just what I needed to hear. Russell M. Nelsons talk on having JOY was my favorite. Go listen to it -if you haven't heard it it's wonderful! I met some of the members and I felt like I was engulfed in a huge hug. The members here are amazing, I feel so loved! This area is crazy beautiful and amazing and I just feel so blessed to be Here!

Today we went shopping and that's pretty much it haha. There is so much more that happened this week, but these were the Highlights! I just want to thank everyone for the emails, I'm so sorry I can't respond to all of them but just know that each one means the absolute world. I love being here, I love being a missionary!

This week has been so tough and I've never felt more inadequate in my entire life, but I am learning so much and I can see the Savior's hand in every aspect of my life. I love this gospel with all my heart and I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be sharing it with the amazing people of St. Gallen switzerland. I love you all so much, have a wonderful Week!


Sister Barnett

View from the train I take all the time!  Gorgeous

This was my first meal here "Weishurst" ... you suck the sausage out of the casing!  hahahahaha!
(for those of you who know Sams gag reflex... I was dying!)

We were street contacting and I couldn't help but think of Nate and Dad!  BMW :)

Her views every day....

So pretty much to sum up Switzerland:  You hear constant cow bells, church bells and smell cigarette smoke more than fresh air hahaha!

Going into town for their first PDAY today - Sister Stamp

"I feel like a GIANT here! 

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St Gallen TAG PIC!  I have to get off now - time's up!  My boots are Great!  I'm so overwhelmed and stressed, and idk how I'm going to do this, but I  JUST  AM.  Hahaha.  That's my answer.  Every day I'm doing it and I know Heavenly Father is proud of me.  I DO love being a Missionary.  I LOVE IT HERE!  I love you Momma!  Tell everyone HI from me and that I love them.  Give them a Hug from me!!!!  :)

You cannot describe the beauty or intricate details in this cathedral

You can DRINK straight from the fountains here!

Had to have dinner in the stairway one day cuz they aren't allowed in the sister's apartment

My view on our walk to Church

Cat Shirt for the WIN!

Sister Stamp - The Best MOMMA & trainer

Vending machine in die sweiz!

Sister Stamp - I seriously love her so much you have no idea!  I really do consider her my mom and I'm her daughter.  She is an angel sent from Heaven!


On a bus every day!

View from her apartment balcony

WELCOME HOME SISTER!  Banner made for Sam by Sister Stamp

Home Sweet Home

Letter and chocolates for me left by the previous sister serving here in St Gallen :)

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