Monday, October 17, 2016


Wow, I can't believe that today is my 2 month mark... it has been such an amazing journey and I haven't even scratched the surface! So this week was so great, we had tons of member lessons and lots of spiritual experiences.

Monday night we were at a members house and we had fondue and it was the first time I had it - and let me tell you - It was amazing!! Its apparently super popular here... it seriously was so yummy haha.

Tuesday we had Zone Training and it was a lot of fun to get together with everyone and learn some new stuff. We all had to get flu shots and we were late so there was like 20 missionaries bookin it down the road to catch a train and it was so funny!
District - Flu Shots :0

 So that took up most of our day and then we had a member lesson that night with an AMAZING family (I've talked about them before)  named the Eggenbergers. Oh my goodness this family has been my saving grace here.  I absolutely love them they remind me so much of my family!

Wednesday we had 2 appointments scheduled and they both fell through... sad day... and so we went finding and no one was having it that day. They would just look at us and shake their heads no. haha We went to an apartment and every person we talked to was muslim and again  not interested, The last person we klingeled was a catholic lady who came down and actually talked to us! The minute I saw her I felt the impression to give her a Book of Mormon. It was SO strong! She said she wasn't interested, and she was saying goodbye to us and I suddenly just blurted out "can we give this book to you? Its free!" hahaha.  She  still said No - but I really felt like I needed to give it to her, so we wrote a note in it and left it on her doorstep. I have never felt a prompting so strongly!  I don't know what's going to come of it and I may never will, but I couldn't deny what I felt and I was so happy that we were able to leave it with her. I hope it helps her in some way :) I love how in tune with the Spirit we can be if we choose to be obedient and listen to the holy ghost.

Thursday we taught 2 members, and Sister Stamp and I were both impressed to share our thoughts with one of them about patience. It was so perfect and it was just what she needed to hear. She's going through a rough time and the Spirit in the lesson was so strong (it was also in english so that played a small part in it  :) lol)

Friday was a weird day... I really hurt my neck the night before while I was sleeping and I couldn't move my head in the morning so i was pretty out of it all day. We went to a doctor appointment for Sister Stamp in Germany and then we got home and did weekly planning. It was a really off day haha...

Saturday we had a service project at the Eggenbergers!!! We helped in her garden and we ripped up trees and weeded and it was so great. it was so nice to feel needed after a week of rejection haha. We ate more fondue that night :)))

Sunday was great we taught the young womens class about service and i really realized how important service is. it was amazing to think of all the different ways we can serve in our lives! We had brunch at a members house and we gave a spiritual thought and the mom asked us what our mission stories were and so being able to share my personal story with a member was amazing and it really brought the spirit. Again, i love how individual this Gospel is to everyone. We each have things that stick out to us and influence us in different ways. The son who is inactive actually stayed and listened to the spiritual thought so that was amazing as well!!

Today (Pday) we went to a fair thing called Olma as a district (minus 2 of our elders) and ate wurst and rode this crazy ride that made a little kid puke and it was just a blast hahaha! It was nice to kind of be normal today. We wore normal clothes and didnt look as threatening, so people were nicer to us hahaha but no it was really fun!

Okay so yes im really good - everythings good,  This language---- well, I had an awesome talk with Pres this week too cuz I  had enough and was gonna break down,  so I called him and we chatted for a bit.  He is what got me through this week. He is so amazing mom, I love that man. He is so comforting!! I feel like I've opened up a bit more this week with the German - like I don't really care if I mess up, I  just have spoken- so thats better I guess!! Its still a struggle but it will always be a struggle - so whatevs!  And did you ready Shamy's letter!?  Yes he is amazing like wow.. if Shamwow hasnt shown you the email he sent me im going to forward it to you... it is probably one of the best emails I've ever gotten. I love that man!  Hardest thing I've ever done,  But just know that im safe and im trucking along. And I'm so beyond blessed. I realize that every day.  "We can't be comforted by The Comforter, unless we are Uncomfortable!"  that quote is my favorite thing in the entire world, keep sharing it okay?? People need to hear it.

Alrighty were gonna go do some finding :)))))))) yuck i have to change into a flippin skirt lol. (typical me!)  Love you guys so much!! Keep up the emails comin I really do love them like so so so so sooooo much. Keep me updated on everything!! I cant believe its almost halloween haha those pics were dang funny of you at the moores party!!! I was dying!! Tell everyone I love them!!!! I hope everyone had a great week! Remember how much God plays a part in our lives. I promise that you will see so many tender mercies if you just look for them.

I love this gospel with all my heart and I love being a missionary!

Sister Samantha Barnett
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen

PS: Thinking ahead - I will be in my 3rd transfer for christmas and I wont be in Switzerland. If I stay for the next transfer, I will definitely have to leave on December 15th thats when my 90 days are up.......... :((((( That's all they allow us to stay in this country.  I'm so sad.....

And Yes I get emails throughout the day -every day!!!  I love them!!!! Every time we go to bahnhof I get them and some buses have wifi. I dont have wifi in the apartment, no one does we arent allowed!! 

1. my district today at the fair :)

With Sister Stamp

The Swing Ride they went on!

Her District (missing 2 elders)

2. a dead mouse on someones doorstep while finding hahaha



still being an obedient missionary even when I'm broken lol. My NECK!  Cute Sister Stamp set up this contraption so i could do the first 12 weeks hahaha!! a program we have to do in our first 12 weeks on the mission...  ask Nate
(my nice ghetto sock/rice heating pad!)
Meeeeats and Cheeeeeeeses  - took this for Dad!!! :)

Just for the boys:
 This week I rode in an electric tesla..... and he floored it and my tummy tickled so bad!!! hahahaha I totally thought of you drew and nate! It was amazing. Also we went to a members house last night and the son was part of the Swiss military and he has this gun it's called a sig 550 and it's the Swiss army version :) I thought you'd get a kick out of it!! Especially me in front of Jesus lol. I LOVE all of your pics of work, you are amazing!! I hope you had an awesome time in WA even if you slept in a ghetto garage on a minions pillow😂😂 love you so much I'll write lots later today

Street view - St Gallen Switzerland  -On the way to an appointment

Sister Samantha Barnett
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen

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