Tuesday we went finding after an appointment of ours fell out and we taught this man on the street named Oliver. He said that his life was okay without God and that he was happy. We explained to him what our Church has to offer and talked about the book of Mormon a lot with him. There was a distinct point in our discussion when the Spirit touched him and you could see it in his eyes. He told us that he keeps running into the missionaries and that it may be a sign haha! He took the book and said he would read and call us when he wants to learn more :)
Wednesday started out interesting -haha during personal study our neighbor started BLASTING Eminem songs (which i knew every word to...) I literally prayed to forget the lyrics of the song so I could focus on my studies hahaha a mission changes people man lol. Later that day it started raining and we had about 20 minutes until our next appointment with some members so we went finding! I stopped a man and introduced us as missionaries and asked him if he believed in God. His response was..... I actually have no idea because I didn't understand a word of what he was saying. He had an extremely thick Swiss accent and he just kept rambling on and on -- I had NO idea what he was saying. I was so nervous because he was talking directly to me and not Sister Stamp and I didn't know what to do, He looked pretty angry. I felt the Book of Mormon I was holding in my hands and I felt prompted to just say "this book has all of your answers. we believe it is the word of God and that it can help your life." He kept angrily speaking to us and we had to catch our bus so I just said please take this book its a gift and he did! After the conversation I started laughing and told Sister Stamp I had NO idea what just happened and that I didn't understand a word of what he said. Sister Stamp said "are you serious??? your answer was perfect, it lined up with exactly what he was saying... thats why he took the book!" I couldn't believe it... the holy ghost is so real I cannot even express it enough!!! Such a cool experience.
Thursday we had an appointment with an excommunicated woman and it was intense... she is a great woman and says she would love to come back to church it just has to be the right time. But when we walked in I literally couldn't breathe because of how strong the smoke smell was. After our appointment we had to change and hang our clothes up outside because we smelled like an ash tray lol it was horendeous. super funny though, the adventures of a mission!!
Friday we had interviews with president and oh my goodness how I love that man. He is so amazing and says everything you need to hear. I left that meeting feeling like i could take on the world haha! President Kohler is the besssttt!!
Saturday and Sunday were stake conference and we had the opportunity to go to Zürich! I fell in love... It is so unbelievably beautiful! Stake Conference was great, our whole zone was there and it was so fun to see all the other missionaries!! I ran into sister church (my other mtc comp) and it was so great to catch up with her :) also i saw one of my mtc teachers Brother Robertson (shout out to you) haha he is the greatest! So yeah it was an awesome couple of days :)
Today we spent all morning hiking in the Alps with a member and she is so great. she is so sweet and she walks as a hobby so she invited us to go with her!! I still can't feel my toes but hey, it was super fun lol ;)
I love being a missionary. I am so grateful to
be able to represent my Savior each and every day. I am so grateful for this
amazing gospel and i know that it is the only way to true happiness. I know
that this church is true with all my heart and I love spreading it with those
whom the Lord has prepared to receive it. I hope everyone is doing well I miss
you all and love you lots! I would love to hear how everyone is doing! Thank
you for all the support and prayers, You have no idea how much they help keep
me going.
Have an amazing week!!!
Sister Samantha Barnett
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen
PS: I LOVE MY PACKAGE THAT WAS THE BEST DAY EVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! I love how everything was so neatly packed! Sis Stamp even commented and I'm like yup, That's my mom hahaha!! Nothing was smashed it was perfect!!! ahhh you have no idea how much packages and post mean to a missionary.... by the way, speaking of which..... MY COVERT OP CONTINUES!!!!!!!!!! have you by any chance checked your mail box lately?????????? Do not open it until your birthday day!
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2. Thuggin I guess..
3. Wursts are apparently hilarious? Lol
4. Hochzeit means wedding in german😂❤❤
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