Monday, November 28, 2016


What a rollercoaster of a week... There were some amazing things and some not so amazing things but hey, that's how every week is right??
ALPHORN ANYONE?   THIS WAS SOOOOO COOL!  (See my pics at the end!:) 

On Tuesday this week we had Zone Training and it was incredible. I had some questions answered and the Spirit was so strong! I love being able to talk about the work going on in our zone and how other missionaries are finding success. It is an amazing way to learn! After the conference we went with our zone leaders and donated blood for a service project haha it was crazy!! But the sad thing was they wouldn't let me donate because I haven't lived in the country long enough so that sucked. Whatever--- their loss -- I have amazing blood sooo...  (She kills me! :)

Wednesday was great, we made some calls and Jennifer  (the woman who commented on my tag on the bus who we haven't been able to get in touch with for a month) answered and she has been having some issues with her daughter, so she's been busy with that - but we set up an appointment for tomorrow! Tender mercies, I love that woman and I want to see her happy with this gospel!! After that we went finding and people were SO NICE. Yes you read correctly, NICE. We spoke to a man who's name I don't remember but I kid you not I have never felt the spirit stronger when talking to someone on the street. He was just glowing idk how to explain it! He is very interested about the church and wants to meet with us but is out of the country for a bit visiting family. Then all of the sudden people started gathering around and there were some people playing Alphorn's so we stopped and listened to them and I GOT TO PLAY ONE!! Coolest thing ever.

Thursday I went on an exchange to Zürich and it was AWESOME!! I was with sister Pascale from Denmark and holy cow this girl is a beast!! haha She talks to everyone!! And she is so happy doing it! I look up to her so much! We went finding for like 4 hours and she dared me to stop a man on a bike and I did it hahaha it was the greatest!! (He took our card :) We spoke to everyone about Christmas and told them about our new Christmas Video (btw go watch it its the bomb) and the 4 hours of finding flew by! it was a lot of fun!
On exchanges in Zurich with Sister Pascale

Your fav german sista in Zürich

View from Sis Pascale's apartment!

Christmas is EVERYWHERE!

Aaaaand then there was Friday. The day where everything changed. Sister Pascale and I were doing studies and President calls us and says he needs to talk to me. My heart sank... long story short there are problems with our american visas and I am getting transferred 2 weeks early to make sure I don't get kicked out of Europe. Sooo I will be going to an area called Tübingen which is in Germany (south of Stuttgart) this Wednesday!   The rest of that day was kind of a blur, my mind was all over the place. I was in shock, and still am. I am so sad to be honest, but I am excited to grow because I feel myself getting comfortable here in St. Gallen. No matter how much I want to stay, I know that it's for the best and that I will learn so much!  My new companion is Sister Hofmockel from France, and she has 2 transfers left so her German is boss- so I'm so excited to learn from her!!!! Thankfully, I do have time to get things together, but not really!! The thing is you cant just drop everything and pack and stuff cuz you're being transferred, you still have to do ahhhhh missionary work hello!!! So we've had some time today to pack- and then we'll have like 2 hours ish tomorrow and that's it!! So stressed.... I HATE PACKING!

Saturday we got to go to the Bern Temple for my last time and it was so comforting. Lots of prayers answered that day, including running into Sister Jensen (from the England MTC) AGAIN without her even knowing we were coming to the temple. Seriously the best thing ever, I got to say goodbye to her before I left :)

Sunday was emotional to say the least... My last Sunday in St. Gallen and lots of goodbyes. Especially saying goodbye to the Eggenbergers last night... I don't even want to talk about it-  it was the hardest thing i think I've ever done. All of their kids drew me things and gave me things and the oldest who is turning 8 tomorrow came up to me and said Will you ever forget us??? I think I would've been better off taking my heart out and stomping on it. I am crushed. I love it here... I have left such a huge chunk of my heart here and I am so sad I'm leaving. I do not feel ready to leave, but I know that everything will work out I just have to have faith! (aka the hardest thing ever lol.) But like I said before, I am excited to see what growth lies ahead and what the Lord  I cant stop thinking about the picture of the little girl with God asking her for her teddy bear saying but I love it God.  And Him having a bigger teddy bear behind his back saying just Trust Me. Because this is how my mission has been. Leaving you guys was so hard, but I was so blessed with everyone at the MTC and I never wanted to leave there, so coming to St. Gallen was SO hard, but I was blessed so much here!  So I know the same thing will happen now and throughout the rest of my Misison its just hard right in this moment.......Ahhhhh!

I gotta go were having our dinner at the Bäcks for the last time and fondue babaayyyy. Haha!!! I really hope you know how much I love you guys and how grateful I am to get you all for eternity. Have the best week ever and the next time you talk to me I'll be a real German Sister because ..... Deutschlaaaaannnddddd!!

Love you with all my heart❤❤

Sister Samantha Barnett
Ackerstrasse 5,
9000 St. Gallen

btw, Countdown till Christmas in my new area!!!  And the skype call will be 45 minutes and I'm going to be pretty strict on it cuz I know how blessed I am when I am obedient!! 

A city called Brunnen (where we made swiss army knives last week)

OK, are you ready for these??? Playing the Alphorn!!! (The sweet old man put his hat on my head lol)

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